A Light. 

I think I decided not to break today…

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the way stories, movies, books, music, etc can make us feel, and I don’t think it’s something I ever want to get used to. 

I hope that it never ceases to amaze me when I pick up just the right book, or the perfect song for the moment comes on. For me, to survive, I need there to always be movies that can bring forth emotions and revelations that I’ve been ignoring or pushing down in my day to day life. 

Today, for the first time in a long time, because of a movie, I started thinking about the future again. About the possibility of my future and what it can be and what I want it to be. For so long I’ve been living day to day, struggling to get through it all and hoping it passes quickly and painlessly. 

But it’s been killing me. 

Sure there’s the plan to move to Texas, this Hail Mary jump into the unknown to jumpstart my life after it came to a screeching halt almost 4 years ago. But it never felt real. And even when it started to, I was still so much in the dark that I didn’t think anything could save me, even that, and I didn’t know if I wanted it to. 

This dark cloud following me around has been my best friend for longer than I can remember. It’s started to consume me, to put thoughts in my head that I know aren’t coming from me. Not only that, but I’ve been scared of the way our world is changing and how quickly it’s all happening. I’ve been torn between wanting to fight and wanting to hide. 

But today I realized that, first and foremost, I want to live. 

And not more than 3 seconds after that realization hit me, Sia’s “Reaper” started to play and I started to feel like maybe things are going to get better. Maybe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel after all. 

“You came to take me away

So close I was to heaven’s gates

But, no, baby, no, baby, not today

Oh, you tried to track me down

You followed me like the darkest cloud

Oh, reaper….

So come back when I’m good and old
I got drinks to drink, and men to hold

I got good things to do with my life, yeah

Oh, I wanna dance in the open breeze

Feel the wind in my hair, hear the ocean sing

I got good things to feel in my life,…

Don’t come for me today

I’m feeling good, let me savour it….” -Reaper-Sia 

2 thoughts on “A Light. 

  1. I love that song. I was just listening to it a few moments before coming across your post, what a coincidence.

    I completely agree with you, the way music and books and art in general can affect us is so profound. I’m glad you’ve been able to realize that you want to live, that’s a huge step, I’ve had a recent revelation of the same fact. And it feels pretty good. A tad foreboding, but good. Anyway, wishing you well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! It’s crazy that you were just listening to that song. Sia is pretty amazing. I’m glad that you’ve come to a similar revelation. It’s definitely a bit daunting but also good. Wishing you well also ❤


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